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Haslett ATA Martial Arts

Mission Statement


"In order for someone to earn the rank of black belt there are three attributes a person must strive for. Those values are belief in oneself, the desire to face challenges and unwavering commitment.


The first attribute is BELIEF. It is our core belief that anyone can earn the rank of black belt with the help of their instructors guidance. It is Haslett ATA Martial Arts instill this belief into our students that they can earn their rank of black belt. Many people aspire to great things because someone instilled the belief that they could do it. That person may have been a parent, a teacher, a coach or even their martial arts instructor.


The second attribute is PERSEVERANCE. One of our responsibilities is to make sure our students are presented with various obstacles. With which, through perseverance they will be successful. This situation also teaches our students to always have confidence and to do their best. This is a key for building success in all areas of life (self-motivation).


The third attribute is COMMITMENT. Commitment is an important aspect to a successful life. Here at Haslett ATA Martial Arts we commit to being honest and respectful and to provide the best instruction available for you and/or your family."


- Master Ronald F. Burch Jr.


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